

I have had the opportunity of being an employee, operations manager, partner, and business owner in the history of my work life. With the opportunities provided to me, I have had the ability to achieve several skill sets. Below is a list of positions held, along with the associated tasks and responsibilities.

  • Family Fun In The Snow - my family likes to get away from time to time and when winter snow comes to Northern Arizona we hop in the truck and find a place to play in it. This is my daughter Ciara and our dog Bear. My wife Celene is taking the picture, she is not much for photos.



  • My Valentine Truck - My wife and daughter thought it would be a nice jester to decorate my work truck for Valentines day. I feel the love.



  • Desert in the Spring - While out Geocaching near Usery Park, my daughter took this colorful and green desert shot.



  • SBR Grinch - In our community of Signal Butte Ranch, many neighbors gather to pull pranks on each other. This picture is of a Christmas Grinch that was borrowed for a night of picture posing.



